Sharae Sledge, the Director of Finance for the Minneapolis Downtown Council and Downtown Improvement District, was named the recipient of our Spring 2022 In HER Element scholarship. We caught up with Sharae as her initial journey with In HER Element came to an end.
Before starting In HER Element, Sharae had been sensing a gap and was looking to start putting herself first in situations. But, she explains, “In HER Element had a significant positive effect on my mindset. It gave me space to intentionally and unapologetically focus on myself and left a lasting impact on how I will prioritize myself in the future.”
Her favorite part of the experience was the women she went on the journey with. “I really enjoyed the other women in my cohort. I think that's probably been one of the best things, just connecting with the other women. When asked what the biggest takeaway from each session was, most of us usually said we appreciated connecting with someone in the breakout sessions.
Throughout the program, Sharae learned a technique that she thinks women looking to take that first step should use. She says, “Making things visible to yourself will change the way you think. Be intentional about what you want to tell yourself, write it down, and put it somewhere you’re going to see it every day. It actually works. I have Post-it notes on my computer monitor that I look at before big meetings or something important. ”
Before joining, Sharae was inspired by her sister-in-law, a recent In HER Element graduate, who insisted that the 1:1 coaching with The Disruptive Element Co-Founder, Paula Winkler, would be impactful.
Sharae explained, “My experience with Paula has been great. She is one of those people that is so sincere and makes you feel comfortable in every conversation with her. She's extremely knowledgeable about In HER Element and even offered to help me after I graduate. I see why my sister-in-law said these things.”
Sharae built confidence through the In HER Element program and encourages others to do the same. “In HER Element is an experience that most professional women should participate in. It gives you time to evaluate yourself, what you want to focus on, and what you want in the future.
About In HER Element
In HER Element is a transformative leadership program that inspires women leaders to ignite and live their potential. Our unique program combines neuroscience and mindfulness with coaching and community to foster real change in all aspects of work and life.
Learn more about how In HER Element can benefit you or your team